On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 14:47:59 -0700, Glen Carl wrote:

> We are having problems with our jetspeed.log files for the following:
> JBoss 3.2.1 / Tomcat 4.1.24
> Jetspeed-1.4b5-dev
> Apache 1.3.27 / mod_jk1.2.4
> RedHat 7.3
> I have seen some posts on the Jetspeed User Email list talking about JBoss 
> hi-jacking the log files, but no resolution. Has anyone resolved how to set up 
> the jetspeed.log for a JBoss environment.
> What is really bizarre is that I have two Jetspeed-based portals running in
> same JBoss App server, and the logging for portal A is showing up in portal B. 
> Well, you may be quick to say it is my configuration file, but then why do the 
> same configuration files work in a Tomcat4.1.24 without JBoss.
> If anyone has a solution for the log file issue then please post.

What version of Jetspeed-1.4b5-dev are you running? With or without the new
logging scheme?

Is there any way you can force JBoss to run the two portals in different class
loaders? That should do the trick.


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