Currently I'm working on module which allows users to add/remove portlets (just like 
default 'Add Portlet' Interface)
For that I have one Velocity Portlet and I'm using customiseSetAction as action class 
to process it.
But whenever I add this velocity Portlet in my portal, I get the null pointer 
execption while getting any data from runData. Not able to understand why null pointer 
is coming...
here is portlet entry for my new portlet
    <portlet-entry name="EditChannels" hidden="false" type="ref"
        parent="Velocity" application="false">
            <title>Edit Channels</title>
            <description>Edit Channels</description>
        <parameter name="template" value="edit-nasa-channels"
            hidden="true" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="action" value="portlets.customizeSetAction"
            hidden="true" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <media-type ref="html"/>
        <url cachedOnURL="true"/>
        <category group="Jetspeed">Demo</category>
        <category group="Jetspeed">velocity.demo</category>

I'm doing anything wrong here ?
Please do guide me,

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