If using another db than oracle, it "should" work "as is", you just have to replace 
the type of columns, torque / village will do the rest, no need to regenerate peers or 
If using oracle OCI driver, it must work "as is" by reading oracle spec.

And finally, if using oracle THIN driver (classes12.zip), you're in trouble, but I'm 
writing a new dbpsml service based on this type and specific for oracle. It works not 
so bad for the moment, but I still have one bug when updating a blob with a shorter 
blob in bytes, oracle still has the end of the other psml.
I'll have to go further into it, I hope to have one new class very soon, and would 
like some testers :)
I know randy is willing to test as he already changed its database, and if wou want to 
test it too I'll send it to the list for testing.


Jhon a écrit :

> Hi,
> I'm using jetspeed1.4b4 and Oracle as backend database.
> I want to alter profile column in "jetspeed_user_profile"
> table so that it PSML profile will be stored as either CLOB
> or BLOB format instead of LONG RAW.
> But I'm not sure which all places I should make changes to make this
> happen. 
> I know that it takes xml definitions from dbpsm-schema.xml,
> turbine-schema.xml and security-schema.xml to generate SQLs.
> But not able to figure out where should I make change so that
> it will create "profile" column as "blob/clob" instead of "long raw".
> tia,
> j

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