
> I would like to recommend looking at Jetspeed, but I cannot find any
> references to any production implementations of jetspeed.

I have 5 clients in production using my company's e.ssential Enterprise Portal 
product.  Two of them are ASP clients the others are installed on site.

Most of these are intranet apps, but the two ASP clients will be using them as a 
customer portal.  I don't want to give out my client's names but I will name their 
business models.

- A casino
- A company that manufactures containers for Coca Cola.
- A medical billing firm
- A large hardware distribution/manufacturing company
- Another smaller hardware manufacturer 

with 3 to 4 more prospects that are all law firms.  So I would say using Jetspeed in 
production should not be an issue.

The e.ssential portal is based entirely on Jetspeed with enhancements in the UI, 
security and theme/skin areas.

> I beleive Oracle is heading this way both with their portal
> and applications. We utilize Oracle applications in our international
> companies. Of course, I do have my concerns about Oracle applications
> having
> too much proprietary requirements on top of the standard to truly make it
> plug and play with other portals, but if they do then it's a win-win.

If the (portlets) are specific to Oracle apps then they will probably use proprietary 
extensions within Oracle's portal.  I am finding that is the case with IBM's WPS 5 
which is also JSR-168 compliant.  Another thing to consider is that (I am almost 
positive) Oracle uses WSRP heavily in their portal implementation.

> Keep in mind that using
> Jetspeed does require some ramp up time if you are not familair with
> Torque,
> Turbine, and Velocity.

Jetspeed 2 will eliminate the need to learn Turbine or Torque, since they will be no 
longer used.

| Scott T Weaver                 |
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            | 
| Apache Jetspeed Portal Project |
| Apache Pluto Portlet Container |

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Celeste Haseltine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:46 AM
> To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> Subject: RE: Questions
> Dave,
> We are looking at using Jetspeed as a portal to wrap around our existing
> product lines, but we are in the evaluation stages only at this time.
> Currently, Jetspeed version 1.4 is NOT JSR 168 compliant, but version 2.0
> will be JSR compliant.  My understanding from posts on this board is that
> 2.0 will not be available until sometime towards end of 1st quarter 2004
> at
> the earliest.  The only other open source portals I found out there are
> Liferay and Gluecode.  Gluecode is built on top of Jetspeed, and
> interesting
> enough, so is IBM's portal solution (or so I have been told).  Liferay is
> EJB based, is JSR 168 compliant (according to their website, I have not
> verified this personally) and is a nice product, but has no documentation
> and very little following, so we have eliminated it from consideration for
> our uses.
> I believe it you go the Jetspeed web site there are some links to
> companies
> who are using Jetspeed as their portal solution. Keep in mind that using
> Jetspeed does require some ramp up time if you are not familair with
> Torque,
> Turbine, and Velocity.
> Just my 2 cents worth.
> Celeste
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wietzel, Dave {PBSG} [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 10:06 AM
> Subject: Questions
> Importance: High
> I currently support a portal product that we developed in-house for our
> international communities.
> In Frito-Lay international we have 40 independent business units that want
> portal technology but are on a tight budget.
> The reason I might suggest Jetspeed is because of JSR 168. I need to be
> able
> to recommend a portal solution that can integrate components that adhere
> to
> this standard. I beleive Oracle is heading this way both with their portal
> and applications. We utilize Oracle applications in our international
> companies. Of course, I do have my concerns about Oracle applications
> having
> too much proprietary requirements on top of the standard to truly make it
> plug and play with other portals, but if they do then it's a win-win.
> I would like to recommend looking at Jetspeed, but I cannot find any
> references to any production implementations of jetspeed.
> Is Jetspeed still in a use at your own risk sort of state or are companies
> using it as a production tool?
> Is there a version that you would recommend we could look at to replace
> our
> in-house tool?
> Can the 1.4 version utilize LDAP for authentication? Is there any
> documentation to describe how to implement this?
> Any ideas when version 2 will become available?
> I am also going through the Jportal examples. How is this different from
> normal Jetspeed deployments?
> Is there anything proprietary in it?
> Will version 2 allow me to do LDAP authentication?
> Dave Wietzel
> PepsiCo International
> 972-963-6573
> <<Wietzel, Dave {PBSG}.vcf>>

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