On Tuesday, November 18, 2003, at 03:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Scott,

if I am right, he is looking for the file "testFile-5.psml" in the directory "X:\cvs\jakarta-jetspeed-2\portal\test\testdata\psml\user\cachetest" ?

The file is there, not write protected and another test, a "marven clean" with a following "maven war" failed again. I tested it three times .. If you take a look at the TestFileCache.txt, it seems that the testFile-5.psml was loaded?? (i never worked with junit, so i´m not shure ..)

From which directory do you run the test?
Try this:

cd portal
maven test:single -D testcase=org.apache.jetspeed.cache.file.TestFileCache

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