  Ok, I went and resync'd with the pluto HEAD and rebuilt pluto.  It
now builds a jar named "pluto-1.0.jar" instead of the name "
pluto-0.1-dev-unreleased.jar".  Is this going to be a problem?  Do I
need to rename this jar?

Gerry Reno

--- David Sean Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday, November 20, 2003, at 07:14  AM, Gerry Reno wrote:
> > David,
> >   I rebuilt everything this morning and redeployed to 4.1.29, then
> > removed the pluto jar from shared/lib and started Tomcat.  The log
> > shows that jetspeed intitialized and then immediately shutdown.
> The container is not getting initialized.
> It must be throwing a runtime exception thats not being caught, and 
> then causing the servlet to shut down
> See JetspeedEngine.java, line 202, there is a comment about the 
> signature changing on PortletContainer.init
> This suspects me to believe that you don't have the latest Pluto jar
> You will need to checkout the latest Pluto source, build it and copy
> it 
> into Maven's repo, since I don't think Pluto has been mavenized yet
> Then rebuild J2 and deploy it
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Gerry Reno
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