It looks like you're missing the <media-type> tag in your portlet xreg;

Add <media-type ref="html"/> within your <portlet-entry> tag and see if that helps.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/29/04 06:57AM >>>
Dear list members,

I have been trying to move my test site from Jetspeed 1.4-b4 to 1.4, but I
am unable to do so. The portlets contained in the jetspeed.war seem to work,
but none of my own portlets do. I get nothing except hundreds of
"RegistryService: Failed to retrieve null from Portlet" messages in my log
files. Some kind soul suggested that my registry files might be mixed up,
but I fail to see where I made a mistake.

I have narrowed my local-portlets.xreg down to:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <portlet-entry name="NewsBrowser" hidden="false"
        parent="Velocity" type="ref" application="false">

        <security-ref parent="owner-only"/>
        <parameter name="action" value="portlets.NewsBrowserAction"
            hidden="true" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="template" value="newsbrowser.vm"
            hidden="true" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>

and my default.psml down to:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
  <portlets id="12">

        <entry id="121" parent="NewsBrowser"/>


Are these files incorrect?


Michael Burschik

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