On Wednesday, February 4, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Mark Divitt wrote:

   I just pulled down 1.4dev5 from CVS and started it
up.  It appears that the self register (new user)
feature is turn off by default.  What parameter (in
what file) controls this?  I looked in the usual
places and I couldn't find it.  I also did a quick
scan of the mail archive and couldn't seem to find it
there either.  To be extra clear, I am refering to the
ability for a guest to register themselves (create
login, provide password, etc.)and thus (later) be able
to login.  In previous versions, this feature was on
by default.



topnav.user_creation.enable = true

it appears this is required too, although its not apparent why

newuser.confirm.enable = true

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