For our simple POC, I did not extend any classes to achieve SSO, but just 
modified doPerform() of class JLoginUser and used RunData to read the user 
and sessionspec (3rd party SSO)  from the request header. 

In the same method, invoked a custom helper class to  validate the 
sessionspec against the 3rd party Authentication server and reject or 
accept the user based on the outcome.

Further checked to see if the User  is a JetspeedUser (ie. in Jetspeed 
database). If not, created the user using JetspeedSecurity.addUser() and 
assigning each user a common password. 

Proceeded by login the user using JetspeedSecurity.login(). Only caveat 
here is I could not get the auto-login to work w/o the password. If there 
was a way in Jetspeed to create a Jetspeed user session by just using the 
UserId !? 

But this works. As long as the password is complex and the Jetspeed Login 
interface is commented out in 
(topnav.user_login.enable=false) !

To invoke the JLoginUser SSO, I simply point the browser to 
http://server/jetspeed/portal?action=JLoginUser . My SSO solution 
intercepts the request, prompts for Login, authenticates and authorizes 
the user and simply redirects to the above URL and from then on the 
doPerform() of JLoginUser takes over as described above.


David Sean Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/23/2004 01:23 PM
Please respond to "Jetspeed Users List"

        To:     "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Is there a Login Portlet in Jetspeed 1.4?

On Wednesday, March 17, 2004, at 02:02  PM, Glen Carl wrote:

> You need to build your own Login in modules to use instead of the 
> Jetspeed modules in
> src/java/org/apache/jetspeed/modules/actions
> The CreateNewUserAndConfirm, JLoginUser, JLogoutUser, 
> SendConfirmationEmail and SendNewUserNotificationEmail were the 
> modules I modified to interface with our SSO solution that have HTTP 
> headers.
Sounds cool. Anything to contribute back?

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