Hi everyone,

I've got Jetspeed 1.4, Tomcat 5.0.19, and PostgreSQL 7.4, but I don't
know how to make Jetspeed to work.

My Binary version is fine since it works on HSQL, then I changed
Tourque.properties to what's the instruction shows, it says in the log
files something about changed_password not found after some error has
shown in the browser, changed_password column is not included in the
turbine-postgres.sql, so I added a changed_password column in
turbine_user, it's still not working. 

This is the part in Torque.properties that I changed.

### torque.database.default.adapter=hypersonic
### torque.database.default.adapter=mysql
### torque.database.default.adapter=oracle
### torque.database.default.adapter=mssql

## Using torque's old pool
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.url =
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.user = js
torque.dsfactory.default.connection.password = js


The sql files I ran were the ones in the source/sql/external, with no
changes, I don't know if I need to change anything or not?
The netstat command shows there is connection from jetspeed to my dbms,
the error is         org.apache.jetspeed.om.profile.ProfileException:

Did anyone have it work? can you please explain what have i done wrong
or anything I need to change in the sql files of jetspeed?


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