
I have to build a small (but possibly growing) cms portlet upon jetspeed.
It doesn't need to have lots of features in the first version, just 
some editor (can edit and add new pages) / chief editor ( must give release
permission for new and changed pages) user roles for editing pages in a
browser-based form editor, plus some versioning. 
Plus a portlet that outputs the managed content, which naturally makes the thing
usefull in the first place.

As i saw, there is something called jetspeed-cms in the jetspeed sources, 
which i eventually got "running" in the sense that i could place the admin
and the content ouput portlet on my workspace, but they don't seem to "do much".
I hadn't the time to figure out how much i'd have to do to make
this thing more or less functional.

I saw there once (sometime last year) was a short thread of some people
talking about that issue on the list, but the conversation didn't go pretty
far, at least not on the public list, and it's long ago.

And i found some hints that somebody integrated 
a cms into jahia, which seems to be some commercial portal based on jetspeed,
(but it has a non-free source license which i can't work with)
and i read that somebody integrated the mmbase cms into jetspeed.

But finally, besides of those very small pieces of information, that
eventually somebody might have done something like this, or somebody wanted
sometimes to start working on this topic, I could not find any really useful
information or documentation on how those things where really done and how
I could do it for myself, even after about a day of searches and reading.

So, I am prepared to find out the whole thing on my own, develop a 
cms portlet from ground up, and put a lot of work into it,
but before reinventing the wheel completely, I want to ask here again:

Did somebody ever intergrated some kind of cms into jetspeed, may it be slide,
as it seems to be used in the thing in the jetspeed-cvs, or any other one, and 
has some hints on how to do it?

ps: I want to use "real" open source free software, no commercial things at all for the


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