It's ok. I just have an error in my tomcat's log file :

2004-04-01 09:28:00 StandardContext[/jetspeed] Velocity   [info] Velocimacro : adding 
VMs from VM library template : VM_global_library.vm
2004-04-01 09:28:00 StandardContext[/jetspeed] Velocity  [error] ResourceManager : 
unable to find resource 'VM_global_library.vm' in any resource loader.

Is it a problem ?

-----Message d'origine-----

The PAM directory exists in the webapps  directory
You need to delete it before redeploying

try this:

cd \apps\tomcat\webapps

rd /s PAM
rd /s jetspeed
rd /s HW_App

cd \apps\jetspeed-2
maven db.create
cd portal
maven fullDeploy

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