On Apr 17, 2004, at 4:01 AM, antony saviour wrote:

hello friends,

How can we create new user in jetspeed,without using jetspeed NewAccount form.

I need to have a New Registeration form, currently jetspeed supports only 6 fields like firstname, lastname... If I need to add more feilds How can we do that.

You will need to write your own new user registration form and replace Jetspeed's.
When it comes to storing new fields, you have several options.

1. store the fields in permanent line of business fields, see the setPerm method:

http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/apidocs/org/apache/jetspeed/om/ security/JetspeedUser.html

2. extend Jetspeed User

http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/ security.html#Extending_Jetspeed_User

3. write your own User Management implementation


David Sean Taylor
Bluesunrise Software
[office]   +01 707 773-4646
[mobile] +01 707 529 9194

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