Basically, the issue is jetspeed should called each portlets
build*Context() method after processing the current portlet action.

That would be the way to simulate portlet to portlet communication by
setting session or request attributes.

Seems jetspeed is calling the build*Context() and processing the portlet
action based on the page layout.

Please tell us if we need to follow a different approach, or we need to
migrate to 1.5 or if there is any workaround to this problem.

Also, is there any service we can implement to manage this processing


On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 16:26, Jorge D'Alessandro wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am developing a small portal using jetspeed 1.4 and I have found a problem
> (or is it a bug?) which affects the proper rendering of my portlets.
> I am using Jetspeed 1.4 to developed four JSP portlets which need to
> interact with each other.
> As there is no inter-portlet communication feature available yet, the
> portlets set variables in the HttpSession via the execution of their Portlet
> Actions methods which are taken by the other portlets to act accordingly.
> To make it clearer, suppose we have portlets A, B, C and D. When a button is
> clicked on portlet A, its action method is invoked and a session variable is
> set. When the portal screen is refreshed, the other portlets get and use
> this variable to produce some particular output.
> Now, the problem I have is that the portlet positioning in the portal
> affects the way it all behaves!
> For example, if portlets are positioned in one column:
> A
> B
> C
> D
> and A sets the variable the other portlets use, then everything works fine.
> But, if the portlet order is:
> B
> C
> D
> A
> 'A' sets the variable again, but the other portlets (B, C and D) do not
> "see"
> the variable until the next refresh.
> The method invokation order in this case is:
> B.buildNormalContext()
> C.buildNormalContext()
> D.buildNormalContext()
> A.doAction()    <-- we set the variable here...
> A.buildNormalContext()
> Now, my question is: is there a way of making Jetspeed process the actions
> BEFORE any rendering method?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jorge D'Alessandro.
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