On May 3, 2004, at 10:10 PM, Cyrille GACHOT wrote:

On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 18:20, David Sean Taylor wrote:
On May 2, 2004, at 10:41 PM, Cyrille GACHOT wrote:


If you don't specify a psml file for a user and
services.Profiler.rolefallbask is set to 'true' in the porperty file,
this user gets the role psml file. But if he/she modifies the layout of
his/her portal, the psml file of the role is modified.

Im working on an enhancement to optionally disable saving role-based
PSML settings.

This enhancement was checked in yesterday.
Im now considering storing PSML attributes in a different store than the PSML file


Just to be sure : if a user has his/her own psml file and
services.Profiler.rolemerge=true, the role user psml will be copied in
the psml file of the user and any changes on this role psml part by the
user will not affect other user view.
Is it correct ?

Once the roles are merged into the user's PSML, changes to the source role(s) PSML no longer affect the user's.
Its a copy operation.

And what about references? Is there any solution to let users share a
psml resource, but to le them customize it (change the value of a
parameter of one of the portlets for example) without affecting the
other users.

The user cannot customize the content of the reference directly (from his/her PSML page).
However, the admin, or anyone with sufficient privilege, can modify the reference with the customizer since the reference is really just another PSML page.
These modifications to the PSML 'fragment' will be propagated (eventually) to all referencing PSML pages.

I know this kind of strange for a shared resource.
for an example of use, i want to have a common part for every users
portals. For example, a want everybody to have a portlet showing the new
documents in a rep. But i want to let them customize a much document
they want to see, that mean how much lines.
Any idea?

I think I understand, and it sounds like you need exactly what I am describing above: the (considered) new feature of storing PSML attributes in a different store than the PSML file.
Take for example, you have these pages:


It contains two portlets, ReportPortletA, ReportPortletB
ReportPortletA and ReportPortletB both have the preference (attribute): linesPerPage

Then you have 2 users with home pages:


They both reference /group/documents/page/reports
Joey wants 20 lines per page, Johnny wants 30

Is that an example of what you need?
Currently you can achieve this with role merge, and then the portlets will naturally be separate, and have separate preferences (attributes)

However if you want centralized control of the layout and content of these pages, but still customization on a per page level, then role-merge won't work

Anyway I hope my use case is inline with yours...

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