On May 4, 2004, at 4:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The performance of the portal that we have developed using Jetspeed is
not acceptable to our users. I have noticed that the more roles a user
have, the slower the performance of the application. We are
using the menu pane for each tab, and when I am clicking a new tab
or an option in the tab, it is so slow loading the information inside the

We have run the same application not using jetspeed or not inside the
and it runs pretty fast.

I am suspecting that every option I am clicking, it is trying to check all
the roles and making sure that the user is authorize or something.
I have read the documentation on Jetspeed Performance Tip in

tried to change all the properties that it says needs to be changed to help
but the performance was still slow. It did talk about turbine permission,
where is this???

I would truly appreciate any help anyone can provide...Thank you!

Try replacing the default RegistryAccessController with the NoSecurityAccessController, just to see if the performance is related to the security checks

http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/apidocs/org/apache/jetspeed/ services/security/nosecurity/NoSecurityAccessController.html

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