Le ven 23/07/2004 à 16:31, Bruno Melloni a écrit :
> I would like to use jetspeed's authentication & user management
> features as the single location where I do this but I am new at
> Jetspeed. Can you please clarify:
> 1) Where can I find the list of all the attributes tracked for a
> Jetspeed user?  (i.e.: login name, First/last name, phone number,
> etc...).
Look in src/torque-schema/security-schema.xml :

<table name="TURBINE_USER" idMethod="native">
  <column name="USER_ID" required="true" primaryKey="true"
autoIncrement="true" type="INTEGER"/>
  <column name="LOGIN_NAME" required="true" size="32" type="VARCHAR"/>
  <column name="PASSWORD_VALUE" required="true" size="32"
  <column name="FIRST_NAME" required="true" size="99" type="VARCHAR"/>
  <column name="LAST_NAME" required="true" size="99" type="VARCHAR"/>
  <column name="EMAIL" size="99" type="VARCHAR"/>
  <column name="CONFIRM_VALUE" size="99" type="VARCHAR"/>
  <column name="MODIFIED" type="TIMESTAMP"/>
  <column name="CREATED" type="TIMESTAMP"/>
  <column name="LAST_LOGIN" type="TIMESTAMP"/>
  <column name="DISABLED" size="1" type="CHAR"/>
  <column name="OBJECTDATA" type="BINARY"/>
  <column name="PASSWORD_CHANGED" type="TIMESTAMP"/>
    <unique-column name="LOGIN_NAME"/>
It's Torque language, but it's rather clear, i think.
You can look at http://db.apache.org/torque/ for more information.

> 2) Is it possible to add my own attributes to this list?  And if so,
> can it be done via configuration, or do I have to modify the code?
I'm not an expert on that part. If i'm right, you should add your
attributes in the previous file, and regenerate the peer. think you have
to delete the user peer file somewhere on the disk and re-build
Jetspeed; it will regenerate the file with the new attributes...
There is some doc at

> 3) Where can I find documentation for the API that my code would use to
> verify that the user is logged in (and not timed out), who he is, and
> what are his attributes, groups and roles?
Look at http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/security.html if not
already done, and also (for API):
That's for a beginning :)

> 4) Are my expectations too high for Jetspeed's user management
> capabilities?  In that case, how safe would I be from the effects of
> future upgrades if I modified the user management portlet(s) to address
> my needs?
No, I don't think you'ra too high
Jetspeed is made to be modular. Even if it seems more complicated at the
beginning, it is very useful to adapt it to your needs
> Thanks,
You're welcome ;)

> Bruno

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