It should be in your maven repo, ${user_home}/.maven/repository/portlet-api/jars.


Hello.  I am now going to attempt to build a Hello World Portlet for Jetpseed-2.

After reading the

I have a quick question.  Where do I get the .jar file to put in my classpath that 
contains all the Java Portlet Methods (i.e. like when I put the Servlet.jar file in my 
class path when I compile Servlets)?

thank you in advance,

--Brad Simonin


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*           Scott T. Weaver              *
*         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            *
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* -------------------------------------- *
*   Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal    *
*     Apache Pluto Portlet Container     *
*                                        *
* OpenEditPro, Website Content Mangement *
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