
Yes, we too are interested in role based PSML configuration, (right?). I am glad to see there is general interest in helping the jetspeed2 team develop a tutorial and look forward to any and all input. At this point, I am trying to lay the foundation for a tutorial by establishing the "best" practices for customizing the base build/install. Once there, I think I will move immediately on to layout/decoration/page/security configuration based on the things I need to do while prototyping our Portal. After I get the base content in place and look and feel off the ground, I was going to address portlet development/deployment.

I too would like to see more focus on jetspeed2 configuration than was developed for jetspeed1.5. However, even our modest portal project will require some portlet development! I would guess that a Wiki based FAQ/Tutorial that can be contributed to over time will eventually find the balanced coverage we all need.

Thanks for the encouragement,

Randy Watler

Philip Saville wrote:

Hi Randy,

If you're thinking of offering input for the Tutorial for Jetspeed 2, I
would like to offer a few comments about the Jetspeed 1.5 tutorial I
hope can be improved.

I found the first few chapters of the original tutorial very helpful in
configuring and customizing the look and feel of the portal. The primary
focus of the tutorial, however, seemed to be about developing portlets,
although it is an excellent way to customize ones portal, the tutorial
did not really explain enough detail about PSML.

My goal is to have a portal based solely on roles. Imagine a portal
designed for hundreds of users where the administration of the content
is managed by a small team, roles are the only sensible solution. Once I
have figured out exactly how I can accomplish this, I would be very
willing to help/ contribute towards a tutorial or publication about the
Jetspeed 2.

Thanks and best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 6:01 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: JetSpeed2 Development Logistics


You wrote:

Our goal is to make all resources deployable:

- layouts
- decorators
- portlet applications

If you develop a portlet application, simply drop it into the auto deploy directory

Got it. It appears that decorators/layouts can be similarly dropped into

the jetspeed/WEB-INF/deploy directory, no?

You are right, you should not edit the portal or components directories

unless you are planning on submitting a patch
However if you develop your own component, such as the Portal's NavigationState Component or Aggregator Component for example, then
you can extend the existing Jetspeed component if necessary, and develop your own component and assemble it in the jetspeed-spring.xml
You can also assemble pipelines of request execution in the pipelines.xml, also based on Spring components

How would Jetspeed2 find my custom component classes/jars, (i.e. where should these be installed)? I generally understand the configuration being done in jetspeed-spring.xml and pipelines.xml. Would I edit these configuration files in the deployed jetspeed/WEB-INF/assembly directly?

To create your own portal layout on a page, you will still need to manually edit the PSML until our customizer is ready
We have made some progress in the customizer recently, but its still not quite there

Right. Editing PSML is certainly not a big deal. I suppose adding and deleting pages falls into the same category. However, I am still hesitant to modify the deployed jetspeed webapp... is that the intended development strategy? Obviously, there are numerous jetspeed configuration and content files that one might wish to edit/delete/create. I am trying to understand how to approach making these changes in the jetspeed2 environment for a formal production portal/development process, (despite the fact that jetspeed2 is just entering first alpha). Basically, if I am going to write a tutorial for the Wiki, I'd like to get it "right" from the start!


Randy Watler

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