
I have five Jetspeed 1.4 projects in production at this moment and I am
very interested to migrate them to the Jetspeed 1.5. I follow the steps
recommended in the jetspeed site and in this mailing list, and I try to use
the Jetspeed Maven Plugin.

1.- I generate a new project with  'maven jetspped:genapp'
2,. I copy one of the old projects to <project>/src/webapp
3.- I create the folder <project>/webapp
4.- I make the war with 'maven jetspeed.war'

Following this 4 steps I achieve a war that contains my old project copied
directly over the Jetspeed 1.5 distribution.

I'll hope that this process merges efficiently my projects with the
Jetspeed 1.5. Copy all files to a folder and make a war with them is not a

Please, what's wrong?



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