Hi list, 
 I am quite new to jetspeed. My probelm is that I try to create a link from one 
portlet (inside the jsp tempalte) to another portlet with something like <a 
href='<jetspeed:link template="DetailSearchPortlet" 
action="portlets.DetailSearchPortletAction"/>'>Detail Page</a>. I want this second 
portlet to be display in full screen with out any menu navigation. But when I click 
the link to the desire portlet I only get the Jsaper Exception with the first message 
like "Error encountered processing a template: 
/layouts/html/default.jsporg.apache.jasper.JasperException at".  If I put this second 
portlet in another .psml resource file and make a link to that resource file instead, 
I would be able to click the link and the second portlet got displayed properly. Is it 
possible to make a link directly to a portlet that was define in the portlet registry 
without having to put this portlet in a psml resource file. Any suggestion on this 
matter would be greately appreciated. 

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