Hi all,

I'm looking to see if I can fit Jetspeed into a project I'm working on and started by downloading Jetspeed-2 since I'm looking for jsr-168 compatibility.

First thing I noticed was that there was a dependency on maven-torque-3.2.jar but I can't seem to find it (did find 3.1.1-rc2 though)

I also noticed a mention of version two dropping some legacy open source code, would that be Turbine being replaced by the Spring framework? Does this not entail some major internal rework?

Part of my project is two integrate a portal solution with a commercial CMS, so I would be interested to hear how the other guys were getting on with integrating open-cms and see if we can exchange ideas???

Lastly, is there a list of remaining tasks for Jetspeed before release??

Thx in advance


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