Looks like project.xml or maven.xml might be corrupt. Something may have happended durning your last update, try replacing both files with a fresh version from the CVS.

Vladimir Lisin wrote:

Hi All

I am attempting to install JetSpeed 2 following instructions on Getting Started page:

1. Normall installed Maven and repository
    C:\Documents and Settings\Lisin.ELCOMGAZ\.maven\repository\

2. Did Build properties file C:\Documents and Settings\Lisin.ELCOMGAZ\build.properties org.apache.jetspeed.server.home=c:\jakarta_tomcat

3. Normall installed Tomcat and edited the file C:\jakarta-tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml :

  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <role rolename="role1"/>
 <role rolename="manager"/>
 <user username="Lisin" password="652115" roles="manager"/>
 <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="manager,role1"/>
 <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>

4.  Buiding JetSpeed 2:

      Make the  # Terminal Session #1: Start the Hypersonic database:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Jetspeed-2\

C:\Jetspeed-2>maven start.test.server
__  __
|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0

Parse Fatal Error at line -1 column -1: Premature end of file.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.
Total time: 4 seconds
Finished at: Wed Sep 15 18:58:43 MSD 2004


With # Terminal Session #2 is analogous :-(((((

What errors I did ?
Thanks for advance.


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 - Admiral Hyman Rickover

*           Scott T. Weaver               *
*         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             *
*     <http://www.einnovation.com>        *
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*   Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal     *
*     Apache Pluto Portlet Container      *
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