Thanks for the info Scott.
Guess I'd better take a look at using Jetspeed 2 then.

One thing I didn't like about it was the need for complete integration of your code into the workspace. Is there any info on a simple example workspace which builds a standalone war file, with usual Ant targets like deploy, undeploy etc? Trying to pick through the spaghetti of Maven dependancies to figure out what I need to build a simple Hellow world is daunting to say the least.
Perhaps it's done that way since most people need to deploy a customised Jetspeed anyway? Makes distrubiting portlets a bit of a nightmare.

Are you speaking about Jetspeed 1 or 2. With Jetspeed 2, there is no need to to have J2 in your environment if all you want to do is build portlets. Jetspeed 2 does however offer some nice convenience goals for building and deploying portlets via its own Maven plugin. Even then there is still no need for any J2 artifcats in your build environment.

As for building a customized implementation of J2, you still do not need to have J2 in your environment save for those jars that you need as dependencies. For example, in my custom portal workspace I only have jetspeed-api, jetspeed-commons and jetspeed-portal jars in the .classpath in eclipse since all I needed, from a java coding perspective, was to implement a custom security valve. I also have custom decorations, but as along as your project layout is in the standard maven format and matches that of Jetspeed, the plugin will automatically merge all of your custom code, templates and configurations at build time when you run the jetspeed2:build portal goal.


I am going to switch this discussion over to the jetspeed-user list so we can continue from there.


Scott T. Weaver wrote:


Hi all,

Apologies if these are dumb questions, but the mailing archives seem to be broken, (http://archive.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED])

and the site docs haven't answered my questions so far.

I'm using Jetspeed 1.5.

1)To deploy a portlet, it seems one does a savage copy by hand of the relevant files directly into the Jetspeed webapps directory.
No mention is made of how to undeploy this servlet again? Or more importantly, how to REdeploy it if I've changed some classes. It's getting to be a reall ballache to restart Tomcat every time.
I'm aware that jetspeed-2 purports to support some hot-deployment, but no deliveries of this portal exist anywhere, and I'm feeling it's not ready for the use I'll be putting it to.
So how to redeploy a portlet in jetspeed 1.5?

Outside of Tomcat's hot classloading support 1.5 does not support any real type of portlet reloading and yes it is a PITA. Jetspeed 1.6 capitalizes on the re-deployment feature and JSR-168 support of Jetspeed 2 via the Fusion api. 1.6 is available from the CVS HEAD.

As for the status of J2, I am currently using it in the development of a production application as we speak. We are getting ready to do a milestone release of J2 to coincide with the release of J 1.6.

2)I've come as far as deploying a simply VelocityPortlet, and now want to extend it to use a template.
Nowhere in the docs does it mention how it finds this file. It mentions the algorithm for hecing in the tempates dir for wap, html etc etc, but name resolution?
Must it match the name of my portlet? of my portlet class? of what? Do I need to load the "test.vm" template somewhere in my portlet class which extends VelocityPortlet?
Nothing in the docs mentions this, so if anyone has any thoughts, they would be much appreciated...

Look at the .xreg files that come with Jetspeed 1, they are great examples of how to tie actions and templates to your custom portlets. I also suggest you look at the Jetspeed tutorial, http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/tutorial/.

3)On a user note, how does one modify the default page (for anonymous users) of the portal?



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 - Admiral Hyman Rickover

*           Scott T. Weaver               *
*         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             *
*     <http://www.einnovation.com>        *
* --------------------------------------  *
*   Apache Jetspeed Enterprise Portal     *
*     Apache Pluto Portlet Container      *
*                                         *
* OpenEditPro, Website Content Management *
*     <http://www.openeditpro.com>        *

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