
We have a jsp portlet in which we want to create a link to go to another
specified portlets/pane. We want to a link to the other portlet/pane
based on it's parent id  i.e. portlet entry in the xreg file (note parent id is name 
of portlet in XREG and portlet id in psml can
change as users add and delete portlets).

We have tried the following things:
1. In the first jsp page I do something like this:

JetspeedRunData jdata = (JetspeedRunData)data;
JetspeedLink jl = JetspeedLinkFactory.getInstance(data);
DynamicURI duri=jl.getPaneByName("Portlet_Name"); //Portlet_Name is the portlet-entry name specified in the xreg file.
<a href="<%=duri%>"> link to another portlet</a>

It does not work. If I specify the portlets name in the psml
like:<portlets id="P-fe2b3d353d-1000e" name='paneName'> then it works.
But the portlet name is not getting generated dynamically when a user
adds the portlet.

JetspeedLink.getPortletByName() is deprecated and to use 
JetspeedLink.getPortletById(), I need to know the portletid which I do not have in the 
xreg file.

I have also tried:
Portlets portlets = jdata.getProfile().getDocument().getPortlets("name");
String paneID = (PsmlPortlets) portlets.getId();

but it returns null.

My questions are:
1. How do I get pane id (portlet id in psml) based on the portlet name in XREG?
2. Is there a way to generate psml to dynamically include the name of the portlets/pane like <portlets 
id="P-fe2b3d353d-1000e" name="paneName">  when a user creates a pane.

Thank you,


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