Hi Amit,

--- Amit Soni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi dan,
>   Here i have downloaded jetspeed-1.5-src.zip and
> jetspeed-1.5-war.zip
> and then i have deploy the war in Tomcat 4.1.30 and after that i have
> tried the command :: maven -Dtutorial=5 jetspeed:deploy at that time
> it
> gives me this error.

What directory where you in when you issued 'maven -Dtutorial=5
jetspeed:deploy'?  You should be in $BASE_DIR/jetspeed-1.5/tutorial
(where BASE_DIR is where you unzipped jetspeed-1.5-src.zip).

The directions I found at
http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/tutorial/ indicate you don't need
to download the jetspeed-1.5-war.zip file--you'll build a war from the
src directory.

>   I have one more query also that i have built my own portlet and i
> want
> to deploy this portlet in to Jetspeed 1.5 for that i have already
> refer
> one document but i think this document is for the old version (1.3)
> so
> in that they told that to configure this portlet put this entry in
> file
> $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/conf/jetspeed-config.jcfg but
> in
> this folder all the files are of .xreg and .properties so u pls help
> to
> give the appropriate step to deploy any user defined portlet in
> jetspeed
> or u have any link of document that describe this thing.

I built a sample portlet, following the directions here:
http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-1/tutorial/5/index.html and had no
trouble deploying to jetspeed 1.5.


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