Dan Moore wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm interested in changing the customizer.  In particular, some of the
UI requirements are
1.  moving portlets (which will always be done within one column) takes
place in a select box.
2.  removing portlets needs to be checkboxes
3.  Adding portlets needs to happen in one step.  (Well, two steps,
actually--go to a page with a set of portlets, select them, and have
them added.)

I've done #1 by modifying
and I feel like #2 is possible via the same means.

Two questions:
1. Is hacking the source code the best way to implement these changes? I looked on the mailing list and in the config files and didn't see any

You'll be better off copying the Action class or whatever class you customize and register your modified class in the Registry
in A MyCustomizeSetPortlet and update the properties file to use this
one instead of the original one.
This way your changes won't be messed if you upgrade to a new version of jetspeed.
Even if you describe it, I assume you have updated the relevant Velocity
templates in webapp/WEB-INF/templates to show your select boxes.
I'm not exactly sure why you had to modify the action class since #1 and #2 look to me as only simplification of the UI (ie the templates) without major impact on the backend code.

2. Is #3 possible?   Any hints on thois?  From the behavior and
glancing at the source, it looks like the add page modifies a variable
in PageSessionState, which is then saved in the doSave() method.

I don't understand the difference with the current process.
So I'll say it's pretty simple to implement but you may need to explain
in more details what you're trying to achieve and how it differs from the default behavior if you want more information on this.

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Portals - Enterprise Portal in Java

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