One more thing, Peter. I observe populate-mysql.sql doesn't have any record insert to jetspeed's related profile tables (JETSPEED_****).
Is this normal?



Peter F. wrote:

Hello Lukman,

Probably that's not exactly concerned your problem, but also keep in
mind that you need to get latest SQL-scripts turbine-mysql.sql and
populate-mysql.sql from CVS.

I could not run Jetspeed on MySQL with scripts from downloaded
Jetspeed package.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 4:53:10 PM, you wrote:

LWK> Hi,

LWK> I am installed Jetspeed 1.5 with jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28 and got it
LWK> working with standard procedure. Pretty interface.
LWK> As I need to use MySQL and followed the following steps

LWK> * guideline.
LWK> * run all the mysql related ..sql file src/sql/external
LWK> (turbine-mysql.sql, and populate-mysql.sql)
LWK> * I modified the, (both to
LWK> relfect the mysql config), and
LWK> as
LWK> specified in the guideline page :
LWK> o However, I am not able to get LWK> *target/classes/sql/dbpsml-schema.sql *and LWK> *target/classes/sql/security-schema.sql *as specified in

LWK>     * mysql connection is okay, because I must login with the right
LWK>       username / password, and also tested it with mysql shutdown (got
LWK>       different errors)

LWK> After following those steps, I am getting : "Error retrieving Portal
LWK> Page: Profile not found" at the main page.
LWK> Seems that jetspeed couldn't find the default profile from mysql LWK> database, but I also found the jetspeed's profile related tables are
LWK> still empty.

LWK> I am doing a proof of concept with jetspeed as the main portal LWK> framework. I feel the 3rd step above is the key point, but I can't get
LWK> the .sql generated.
LWK> Can anyone assist me if I missed anything here ?

LWK> Thanks

LWK> Lukman

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