dan myers wrote:
David -

I guess I misspoke.  Yes, the fusion sources are in JS1.  That
is simply the site at which build failures are occurring.  My apologies
for not being more specific.

There appear to be unresolvable class references when the JS1
attribute enabling fusion org.apache.jetspeed.fusion=true
is set in project.properties, even though I had built JS2 according
to the directions. The missing classes seem to be from
org.apache.jetspeed.container.session (which I believe _is_ supposed
to be delivered by the JS2 build):

 package org.apache.jetspeed.container.session does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.jetspeed.container.session.NavigationalStateComponent;
    [javac]                                              ^
 package org.apache.jetspeed.container.session does not exist
    [javac] import org.apache.jetspeed.container.session.NavigationalState;
    [javac]                                              ^

Is this a symptom of fusion being broken right now? If so, is there a
mechanism for getting the "last working" version of sources to work
with, or must I simply wait for things to get fixed?
The J2 cvs version with tag: pre_portalurl_refactor_20041015 is your "last working" 

Tnx, Dan

-------------- Original message --------------

dan myers wrote:

Hello - And now, for my next problem... I have been attempting to build JS2/Fusion and then JS1.6 using the results of

that build.

However, it appears that the fusion sources are not being placed in the JS2

source tree during checkout.

The Fusion sources are in the J1 tree

I have tried both the documented maven checkout scheme and cvsgrab, both with

the same results.

I believe I'm getting HEAD sources (I'm specifying no other tags), though it

appears that the fusion sources may be on a branch usin

g fusion*rc2 or fusion*prerelease*. Any clues as to what I may be missing

here? Any help is appreciated.

Cheers, Dan

Fusion is currently broken in the CVS head. We hope to have it fixed over the next few days

If you are going to use one of the tags above, make sure to check out both J1 and J2 with that tag

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