Carlos Torres wrote:

Hello people,

I'm using jetspeed running in tomcat on windows platform. When I execute in my 
desktop, using the startup.bat and shudown.bat commands, to start and stop the 
tomcat server no problem. But, when i start and stop the tomcat as a windows 
service my configuration changes in jetspeed are lost.
Anybody got this problem? Please, help me.

Thanks a lot

please do not cross post.

Try installing it something like this:

cd %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin
call tomcat -install "Jetspeed-Tomcat" "%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" -Xmx512m -Xms128m -Djava.class.path="%TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\bootstrap.jar" -Dcatalina.home="%TOMCAT_HOME" -start org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params start -stop org.apache.catalina.startup.BootstrapService -params stop -out "%TOMCAT_HOME%\logs\stdout.log" -err "%TOMCAT_HOME%\logs\stderr.log"

Then start the service

NET START "Jetspeed-Tomcat"

David Sean Taylor
Bluesunrise Software
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