I hate to reply to my own post, but I have some more information that
might help in solving the problem.

After doing the jsp:include with the jsp:param of jeffstest = 15, I
then get this output inside the portal:
querystring:       jeffstest=26
param.jeffstest:  null
request.paramNames:  action, _spage

Outside of the portal, by hitting the jsp directly, I get:
querystring:        jeffstest=26
param.jeffstest:  26
request.paramNames:  jeffstest

So now the question is, why on a jsp:include does the param get placed
into the querystring but not added to the request.getParameters?  It's
as if the parameters cannot be updated once the page is already being
rendered in the portal?  If this is true, than are jsp:param and
c:param tags not functional in a portlet when doing jsp:include or

-- Jeff Sheets

On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 22:43:09 -0600, Jeff Sheets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to do something like this in a portlet:
> <jsp:include page="include/mypage.jsp">
>   <jsp:param name="jeffstest" value="15"/>
> </jsp:include>
> And then in mypage.jsp:
> jeffstest = <c:out value="${param.jeffstest}"/>
> This works fine if I hit the jsp directly, but doesn't work inside the
> portal. I've also tried the jstl way of:
> <c:import url="include/mypage.jsp">
>   <c:param name="jeffstest" value="15"/>
> </c:import>
> Does anyone know how I can get the param passed?  The page is included
> okay, but the param does not show up in any scope.  It does show up if
> I do a <%=request.getQueryString()%> but that doesn't really help me.
> Thank you,
> -- Jeff Sheets

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