Hi all

Please, can anabody comment and suggest the solution in next  problem ?

I am filling the Login and PSW fields,  flagging  the checkbox " Remember 
Thereafter I see the cookie "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  in directory 
C:\Documents and Settings\Lisin.ELCOMGAZ\Cookies\
Then I make logout and see that cookie "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" was deleted.
And at second login I haven't  any   "/auto-logon" :-(((((
How must work  the "Remember me/auto-logon facility" in J1.5 ?
The next is the fragment of my JR.properties:
   # Remember me/auto-logon facility
#    number of seconds until logon expires (2592000 = 1 month, 
automatic.logon.cookie.comment=Jetspeed automatic logon cookie
#    domain, blank means use getServer to derive it.  Is of the form 
#    path, blank means use getContextPath, default to / - all paths
#    specifies when the random portion of the cookie is regenerated-
#     - firstlogon, means it is only generated the first time the users 
#                   requests this feature, useful when you want to allow
#                   them to use the feature across computers
#     - everylogon, means it is regenerated upon each successful logon
#                   useful for getting a little added security (default)

# automatically save user state on logout
automatic.logout.save = true

Thanks in advance.

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