You must be using Jetspeed 1?  I think in jetspeed 2 displaytag won't
work at all because the urls are encoded so differently.  If anyone
has experience with that in JS2 let me know.


On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 20:50:34 +0530, Ashish Jaiswal
> We are using displaytag library for sorting/pagination in jetspeed and
> facing a issue. Issue is that when displaytag generates its own href when we
> put sorting on some column. This href when clicked forms a url which also
> contains the Hidden variables which are defined in the form tag containing
> the dispay-tag table.
> Now when user clicks some other link on UI which needs to chnage the value
> of that hidden variable and submit again.. we noticed that the value remains
> the same, it is not getting modified. Can anybody faced similar issue?
> Ashish

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