A2: ["For a given user if the user does not have a PSML then the role's
PSML can be taken in and if that is not present then the Group PSML is
taken in"],: This just how the behavior is...it was just general
knowledge for you...:-). You are right about atleast one role being
assigned to the user ...the group thingy is just something I found when
I was playing around with it...that when I delete the role PSML the
group PSML is considered. In your problem definition I do not think you
need to be concerned with this. 


["You can use Groups as logical dividers...as in have "Dallas" group and
'Orlando' group and make all the roles and users belong to the relevant
groups."]- In 1.5 you can assign groups to role...login in
admin/Jetspeed and look at the User browser (Group-Roles link). And
users can also belong to groups...that is how we are using groups. We
are using groups as it makes sense to us...:-) We do not associate
group-to-role level (but it can be used like that). Also look at the
database table Turbine-User-Group-Role. Initially why we could
arbitrarily assign groups to roles or users did not really make
sense...but then we found a way to use it to our advantage. And yes I'm
saying to set the config to use role-based PSML and then assign users or
roles to groups. The groups assignment is really independent of the fact
it is role-based.


And yes you are right about the merge (that it does not involve code
change...a property setting should help). But even when the user is
assigned to multiple roles only one PSML is picked up for display (so
there is definitely more work when the merge needs to be performed).
When user is assigned to multiple roles the role-merge really makes
sense because the issue with multiple roles is which PSML will the user
get to see (that is never dictated by any configuration...it seems
random...maybe the PSML of the first role in the list of roles for that
user)...I currently have the same issue...As a first cut we do not
support users having multiple roles.


I hope I sort of cleared your doubts...let me know....also look at the
mailing list for similar discussions...there was one thread that
explained this theory real well...I never bookmarked it...:-(








From: Mehdi Bennani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 6:49 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List; Archana Turaga
Subject: RE: Profiles and PSML issues, jetspeed 1.5


Thanks Archana for your answers, very helpful.
I'll start with number 2 as this is the only one still unclear. 


I think I understand what you are saying and it is actually very close
from what we are trying to achieve. Your 'Orlando' and 'Dallas' groups
are our 'California' and 'Nevada' institutions...and grouping them this
way would make lots of sense to us. But I am not sure to understand how
jetspeed supports that. When you say: ["For a given user if the user
does not have a PSML then the role's PSML can be taken in and if that is
not present then the Group PSML is taken in"],  how would Group PSML be
taken in, as users of the system have always at least one role, the
default 'user' role. If I make my user part of the "California"
institution group, by default it gets added to the CaliforniaUser
grouprole. And in that case he/she gets the "user" role PSML profile.
So, how can the group PSML be taken in? Is there anything in the config


Then, when you say: ["You can use Groups as logical dividers...as in
have "Dallas" group and 'Orlando' group and make all the roles and users
belong to the relevant groups."] Are you saying we can set our config
files to use role-based PSML fallback and at the same time make users
and roles belong to groups? and how can roles belong to groups?


I understand your solution and it actually may cut it for us too. Thank
you for the tip!
Yeah I understand that with this current behavior, user can inherit a
profile made of their multiple roles, and then they can change it on
their own and customize it. That's one approach. 
However, there are cases where you do not want the user to customize
their look and feel and let the admin takes care of that. And in that
case, you want all the users to inherit that. 
Yes, it would be expensive, but isn't exactly what it's being done right
now with one role only, when role PSML is true and merge=false. The only
difference is the number of roles you are using to create the profile.
Instead of taking one, we can take many. 
I think it's a feature that would certainly be useful, and that comes
almost for free in terms of the code needed. It could be a configuration
parameter to set the behavior (dynamic vs. static role merge).


-----Original Message-----
From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 11:31 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Profiles and PSML issues, jetspeed 1.5

I hope the answers help.

A1: I also had the same query for this particular property. But since we
do not need role-merge we are happily using role-based only without
role-merge. But my point of view...The PSML file after the merge is
done, is completely different from any of the roles (sort of not
role-based anymore) ...therefore the user will have a separate PSML file
because if the user chooses to customize then the customization happens
only for the user's view. Since PSML is a static entity and needs to be
present in the file system what you suggested may not work...although to
make it work it may mean you want to always build a PSML on the fly for
a given user whenever the user logs in based on the roles the user
belongs to...maybe expensive too.

A2: In Jetspeed 1.5 group and role can be used interchangeably. But the
algorithm for the PSML goes like this. For a given user if the user does
not have a PSML then the role's PSML can be taken in and if that is not
present then the Group PSML is taken in. You can use Groups as logical
dividers...as in have "Dallas" group and "Orlando" group and make all
the roles and users belong to the relevant groups. That is how we are
using it in our environment.

A3: There is a property setting "services.JetspeedSecurity.role.default"
in JetspeedSecurity.properties  which drives what role that user should
get assigned to if the user is new. You can change this to your
"External users" role. For internal users The Admin guy can always
change the default "External users" to a role "Internal users" for new
users. Since Admin is adding the internal users I think what you brought
up may not be a issue if what I just suggested is not a problem with
you. Yes you are right...that the setting cannot be dynamically changed
at runtime.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mehdi Bennani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 8:23 AM
To: jetspeed-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Profiles and PSML issues, jetspeed 1.5

I am running jetspeed 1.5 and I have the following 3 questions regarding
Profiles and PSMLs.


Question # 1:


When the properties(in jetspeedResources.properties):

-          newuser.template is set to nothing

-          rolefallback is set to true 


-          rolemerge = false,

    all newly created users get the profile of the default role any
newly created user is in. (i.e: value of
services.JetspeedSecurity.newuser.roles or first element of that if
comma delimited value is entered). Also, no actual PSML file gets
created for those users ( I mean in the file system ) and they will
share that role profile....


Now, if you add rolemerge=true, all newly created users will get an
aggregate of the roles they are part of...so far so good...but an actual
PSML profile will get created for them in the file system as soon as
they login!

>From there on, they have their own view of the things!


My question is why is that? Why not having the same behavior as when
rolemerge = false (i.e: sharing the same PSML..). That way as soon as
the admin changes the portlets and panes for any of those default user
roles, it will automatically apply to them, which is not the case right

So my question is, is there a specific reason for that behavior or for
not having that behavior?


Question # 2:


I see the reason behind user PSML, role PSML, but why is group PSML

I mean why would I create a group PSML (through the PSML browser) AND
how would I even use it??


Question # 3:


In our application we have two types of users that will be created:
users who belong to an institution and users who do not belong to any
institution (internal vs. external users)

External users create 'themselves' by registering to the application
through the 'create new account' link in the anonymous view of the
jetspeed portal. For that, we are thinking to use role based PSML and as
default role an "externalUsers" role, so that external users have all
the same view of the application.

Internal users on the other hand get created by the admin of the
institution and we would like to have their profile based on a different
role PSML, say an "internalUsers" role, a role with different
features/panels and so on. So here, we would have liked to say if user
is being created by the admin of the institution, create a profile based
on the 'internalUsers' roles, but if it is an external user (ie.
Anonymous) create a role PSML based profile based on the 'externalUsers'

But, if I am right we cannot set that programmatically? I.e: you can not
decide which default role PSML to point to for newly added users, at run



Thank you.



        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Archana Turaga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Fri 1/28/2005 11:30 AM 
        To: Jetspeed Users List 
        Subject: RE: Profiles and PSML issues, jetspeed 1.5
        I hope the answers help.
        A1: I also had the same query for this particular property. But
since we
        do not need role-merge we are happily using role-based only
        role-merge. But my point of view...The PSML file after the merge
        done, is completely different from any of the roles (sort of not
        role-based anymore) ...therefore the user will have a separate
PSML file
        because if the user chooses to customize then the customization
        only for the user's view. Since PSML is a static entity and
needs to be
        present in the file system what you suggested may not
work...although to
        make it work it may mean you want to always build a PSML on the
fly for
        a given user whenever the user logs in based on the roles the
        belongs to...maybe expensive too.
        A2: In Jetspeed 1.5 group and role can be used interchangeably.
But the
        algorithm for the PSML goes like this. For a given user if the
user does
        not have a PSML then the role's PSML can be taken in and if that
is not
        present then the Group PSML is taken in. You can use Groups as
        dividers...as in have "Dallas" group and "Orlando" group and
make all
        the roles and users belong to the relevant groups. That is how
we are
        using it in our environment.
        A3: There is a property setting
        in JetspeedSecurity.properties  which drives what role that user
        get assigned to if the user is new. You can change this to your
        "External users" role. For internal users The Admin guy can
        change the default "External users" to a role "Internal users"
for new
        users. Since Admin is adding the internal users I think what you
        up may not be a issue if what I just suggested is not a problem
        you. Yes you are right...that the setting cannot be dynamically
        at runtime.


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