I already have a patch ready for issue 
It will solve this issue as well.
But, the is one catch related to using non-secure PortletURLs when in a secure 
which I want to discuss first with the Pluto team before I commit it.


I think this can be addressed in the layout decorators/macros if you would
like a quick workaround, (it invokes a method in the JetspeedPowerTool
there to convert relative urls into absolute ones: you could use your own
constants or macros there).

Otherwise, I have added it to my todo list,



Hello all,

I have noticed that whatever renders navigation urls apparently writes

fully-qualified urls instead of relative ones, apparently based on whatever the hostname is in the incoming request.

Is this a configurable option? The reason I ask is that if not, this

makes it difficult if not impossible to proxy behind say an apache httpd instance.

In the past, I've been able to route virtual hostnames to specific

webapps in tomcat (or any other container for that matter by this sort of httpd configuration:

NameVirtualHost *:80
#... other virtual host configurations
<VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName app1.mydomain.com
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://my.tomcat.host:8080/
   ProxyPassReverse / http://my.tomcat.host:8080/

This allows http://app1.mydomain.com to be routed to an internal tomcat

host on a different port, and can even be used to mask the "app1" context from the end user. Since app1 writes its urls using relative "/" prefixed paths, all is well.

I have tried this with J2, and when I navigate to
http://subdomain.myhost.com the left-nav links such as "Public Links"

render not as "/jetspeed/portal/Public" but as

"http://my.tomcat.host:8080/jetspeed/portal/Public";. Depending on

network configuration, this linke may or may not even resolve to the end user.

Since httpd is not performing url rewriting, it would appear that J2 is


protocol:host:port/context instead of relative paths.

What can I do to change this behavior? It is my goal to at some point

mask the fact that my portal is running in a "/jetspeed" context as well as to run tomcat behind an httpd front-end in the same manner as my many other webapps housed in tomcat.

Regards, --


Scott Heaberlin

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