Hi Tom,

Using your description, I got J2 running on JBoss 4.0.1.
Indeed I had to use the hot deployment feature to get the portlet
bodies to show-up, but I did not have to undeploy/re-deploy when I
shutdown JBoss, it still seems to work.

There's one peculiarity though, when I hot deploy a portlet, e.g.
pluto's testsuite.war, J2 creates the testsuite.war directory and
expands the war in there as was expected, but after that also an empty
testsuite directory is created.

But for the time being I am satisfied.
Thanx for your help.

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 08:06:08 +0100, Marcel Dullaart
> Thanx for pointing out the second page.
> Section 4.3.2 describes exactly the problems I am having, but I don't
> think it is acceptable to undeploy all portlets before shutting down
> JB, but for the time being its oke.
> I'll give it a try on 4.0.1 and let you know about the results.
> Marcel

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