
Your scenario is typical. Check out the subsite demo in the cvs HEAD: login as subsite/subsite and then as subsite2/subsite2. This is just to give you some food for thought... you will no doubt need some combination of different Profiler implementation approaches. There are recent descriptions of this subsite configuration in the dev mail list.

Archives for the user and dev lists can be located in a few different places... I use:



Frank Villarreal wrote:

Thanks Randy.  Let's see ... I currently have a corporate web site that has
general info on my company (about us, contact us, history, etc) ... I've
made that my "public" psml page.  So as per your suggestion, I'll try and
place the psml for this page under the "/pages/_user/guest/" folder.
Somewhere in the layout of that page, I also have a login portlet.  Now when
a "guest" user logs in (and the role changes), I need the user to be routed
to a sub-site (with its own distinct decorators/layouts/portlets) custom
tailored to that user's "role".  For example, I have several basic user
classes ... customer, marketing, sales, csr, administrator, etc.  I'd like
to have a distinct subsite for each of these roles.  Each subsite should
have a distinct look 'n feel ... so implementing these subsites as
"subfolder" links off some "root" portal is not an option ... the subsite
should "be" the new "root" folder once a user logs in.  Of course its not
that simple ... some users (owners), may have multiple "roles" (ie: sales &
marketing).  In those cases, I'd like to map the user either to a subsite
that provides a combo view of the role's portlets ... or provide some kind
of "default" role based on the log in.  In other words have the user mapped
to the role with the highest privileges.  Make sense ... or I am rambling?

PS: Sorry about not reading through the email archive for J2, that usually
the first thing I do before posting a question ... but I couldn't find a
link to it off the portals web site.  Does an email archive even exist for
jetspeed 2?

- Frank

-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Watler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 11:57 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Default Home Pages


There are many "nice" ways to accomplish this with J2 using the Profiler.

Custom home pages per user, group, or role are easily supported. One can
also select different home pages using different profiling rules. Once
you get used to using the profiler, it is fairly powerful and flexible.

In your scenario, I'd suggest placing the "public" home page in
.../pages/_user/guest/default_page.psml. Depending on the profiling rule
you wish to use, you can also place other home pages in
.../pages/_role/*/default_page.psml and/or
.../pages/_group/*/default_page.psml. There are plenty of examples of
profiling in the J2 demo site... default page profiling is treated the
same as any other page as far as the Profiler is concerned.

There is a document in the profiler design-docs that discusses the J2
Profiler and Page Manager functionality. There have also been plenty of
emails on the topic to this list. In the spirit of expanding this email
collection, I'd be happy to help you select a profiling strategy that
will meet your needs. Please provide more detail on how you'd like to
segregate pages on your site by user, roles, and groups and we'll see
how far the Profiler can take you!


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