OK ... got it!

In order to change the default context in Jetspeed2 ... I still had to take
all the steps I outlined in my previous email (see below), but I had to
perform them immediately after running Maven's "quickStart" task.
Apparently, J2 does some type of initialization that "hard-codes" the
context into the database in a place/manner I haven't yet identified for the
portlets.  This happens the very first time you start-up J2.  So, the moral
of the story ... make your context change before you start J2 for the very
first time ... or else, you're up the proverbial creek! ;-)

- Frank

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Villarreal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 09:14 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: RE: Changing the webapp context on J2

Thanks for the info Chris.  This is a real bummer, kinda need this soon ...
like I said, I'm real close to making it work.  I'm able to page through the
site in my new context and see all my portlet "placeholders", but their
content all comes up "Reason: null".  I'll keep trying and post to this list
if I figure out how to get it done ... this is definately some type of
initialization issue.

- Frank

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Custine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 09:17 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Changing the webapp context on J2

You aren't the only one looking forward to this  ;-)  This has come up
several times on the list in the past few months, but apparently this
is not a trivial task, and I believe it currently requires some
re-work to the core JS2 codebase.  Unless I am mistaken, I don't think
this has been fully implemented yet.


On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 15:05:31 -0600, Frank Villarreal
> Hello all,
> I feel silly having to ask this, but this simple task hasn't been as
> straight-forward as I would like ....
> How do you give Jetspeed2 a new webapp context (instead of the default
> "/jetspeed").
> Here is what I've already tried ...
> 1) renamed "${tomcat_home}/webapps/jetspeed" to
> "${tomcat_home}/webapps/mysite"
> 2) renamed path & docBase attributes in
> "${tomcat_home}\conf\Catalina\localhost\jetspeed.xml" to "/mysite" and
> "mysite" respectively ...
> 3) renamed the value of the CONTEXT_ROOT field in the "WEB_APPLICATION"
> table to "/mysite" for the record previously named "/jetspeed"
> 4) renamed the mapping for the jetspeed servlet in
> "${tomcat_home}\webapps\mysite\WEB-INF\web.xml" as follows ...
>     <servlet-mapping>
>        <servlet-name>jetspeed</servlet-name>
>        <url-pattern>/mysite/*</url-pattern>
>     </servlet-mapping>
> Only after performing all 4 steps above was I able to view the portal in
> "/mysite" context (at least the decorators and layouts) .... BUTTTT ...
> thing is still vomiting on me ... my portlets all render as "Portlet is
> available: null Reason: null" without providing meaningful clues as to why
> in the logs (seems my portletDefinition objects are all null) ... hence my
> email, does anyone know why??? (Seems like I must be missing a setting
> somewhere).
> I'm so close, yet soooo far away .... :-(
> - Frank
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