
I'm new to Jetspeed.  My company is considering doing
an intranet portal so I started investigating
Jetspeed.  I was pleased to find out that version 2
has a JSF bridge.  So I downloaded Jetspeed 2 and
installed it in my Tomcat 5.0.28 directory.  When I
start up Tomcat Jetspeed fails to initialize.

The root exception is:

Caused by:
org.apache.jetspeed.prefs.PreferencesException: Failed
to initialize prefs api. 
Could not create OJB transaction; nested exception is
SQLException thrown while trying to get Connection
from Datasource (java:comp/env/jdbc/jetspeed)

jetspeed.xml is in the conf/Catalina/localhost
directory, and I see the jetspeed-database directory
in my Tomcat directory.  So, since I didn't change
anything in Jetspeed after the unzip, I don't have a
clue what the problem is.

Does anyone here have an idea how I installed it


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