I have installed Ant 1.6.2. The ANT_HOME environment variable is set. I can run 
Ant from any directory on the computer.

I have installed Maven. The MAVEN_HOME environment variable is set. I can run 
Maven. When I enter "maven -v" on the command-line, it tells me that I am 
running version 1.02.

I have installed and can run Tomcat 5.5.

I have downloaded and installed Jetspeed-2 using the Windows installation 

I am attempting to modify the build.properties file as described at 
"http://portals.apache.org/jetspeed-2/getting-started.html";. This document in 
Linux-oriented and requires some translation to figure out how it applies to 

I have created a build.properties file in my Windows user directory. I'm having 
trouble with the first entry where I'm directed to point 
"org.apache.jetspeed.project.home" to "The root of your Jetspeed-2 source 
installation (see example on left)." So far as I can tell, I have no Jetspeed-2 
source installation. I say this because nowhere on my system is a directory 
called "jakarta-jetspeed-2".

If any list-reader has ever sucessfully installed Jetspeed-2 on a Windows 
system, would you be kind enough to clarify this point? Thanks.
Charles Knell

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