We have a struts application that uses LookupDispatch action to
provide for related functions. With the struts portal bridge 0.2
version( I just had a new build from CVS today, and I running the
Struts portlet under Fusion), I find that the Lookupdispatch action is
never executed. The lookup is based on the parameter defined in the
struts config file, however I find that the action class methods are
not executed.

I printed out the "ActionRequest" request parameters. I do only the
one request parameter "_spage" and its value being the target in the
application's struts config page. Am I missing the request parameters?
Is this the same case as Colin was referring to? I am basically stuck
at this part of our application. Can anyone please let me know what
needs to be done to get this resolved?


Hema Menon

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