
I'm having problems deploying Jetspeed2 into Jboss 3.2.7. I followed all of
the instructions on the wiki using a binary distribution of J2 M2. The first
time I tried to start Jboss I received errors about the database version
being out of date. I removed the hsqldb.1.7.1 jar from the servers lib
directory and replaced it with the original hsqldb jar which came with the
Jboss installation. Now when I start up Jboss, it gets so far and then
sticks when trying to deploy J2. The Jboss output sticks here: 

10:36:04,899 INFO  [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jetspeed,
10:36:06,446 INFO  [ContextConfig] WARNING: Security role name admin used in
an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-
10:36:06,508 INFO  [console] Jetspeed Starting Initialization...
10:36:06,540 INFO  [console] JetspeedServlet identifying web application
10:36:06,555 INFO  [console] JetspeedServlet identifed web application root
as C:\jboss\server\gtx\deploy\jetspeed.
10:36:06,946 INFO  [console] JetspeedServlet attempting to create the
portlet engine...
10:36:06,977 INFO  [Jetspeed] Jetspeed environment attempting to initialize
portal Engine...
10:36:10,633 INFO  [STDOUT]  INFO: Starting auto deployment service:
10:36:10,633 INFO  [STDOUT]  INFO: Deployment scanning delay: 10000
10:36:10,633 INFO  [STDOUT]  INFO: Deployment staging directory:
10:36:10,633 INFO  [STDOUT]  INFO: Adding
ts/WEB-INF/classes/ to class path for Local PA jetspeed-layouts
10:36:10,633 INFO  [STDOUT]  INFO: Adding
ts/WEB-INF/lib/portals-bridges-velocity-0.2.jar to class path for Local PA

The J2 deployment log shows: 

2005-04-08 10:36:10,633 [main] INFO  deployment - Starting auto deployment
service: org.apache.jetspeed.deployment.impl.StandardDeploymentManager
2005-04-08 10:36:10,633 [main] INFO  deployment - Deployment scanning delay:
2005-04-08 10:36:10,633 [main] INFO  deployment - Deployment staging
directory: C:\jboss\server\gtx\deploy\jetspeed.war/WEB-INF/deploy
2005-04-08 10:36:10,633 [main] INFO  deployment - Adding
WEB-INF/classes/ to class path for Local PA jetspeed-layouts
2005-04-08 10:36:10,633 [main] INFO  deployment - Adding
WEB-INF/lib/portals-bridges-velocity-0.2.jar to class path for Local PA

And the last few entries of the J2 log are: 

2005-04-08 10:36:10,540 [main] INFO
org.apache.jetspeed.profiler.impl.JetspeedProfilerImpl - Merging OJB
ler-2.0-M2.jar!/META-INF/profiler-ojb.xml for DAO class
2005-04-08 10:36:10,571 [main] INFO
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory -
Creating shared instance of singleton bean
2005-04-08 10:36:10,571 [main] INFO
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory -
Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'PersistenceBrokerSSOProvider'
2005-04-08 10:36:10,586 [main] INFO
org.apache.jetspeed.sso.impl.PersistenceBrokerSSOProvider - Merging OJB
.0-M2.jar!/META-INF/sso_repository.xml for DAO class
2005-04-08 10:36:10,602 [main] INFO
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory -
Creating shared instance of singleton bean
2005-04-08 10:36:10,618 [main] INFO
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory -
Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'deploymentManager'
2005-04-08 10:36:10,618 [main] INFO
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory -
Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'portletAppDeploymentListener'
2005-04-08 10:36:10,618 [main] INFO
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory -
Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'decoratorDeploymentListener'
2005-04-08 10:36:10,665 [main] INFO
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.JdbcTransactionObjectSupport - JDBC 3.0
Savepoint class is available

This one is really confusing me so I would appreciate any pointers you might

Many thanks. 


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