I reported this as a bug. See: 

04/14/2005 11:12 AM
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3rd Party Portlet Examples.

Howdy all,

Running Tomcat 5.0.28 on linux, using Jetspeed2 cvs checkout on 4/14/05.

After installing and logging into the login portlet and selecting 3rd 
party portlets, I get errors on all the 3rd party portlets:

Encountered the following problem(s) while attmepting to render portlet 
fragment: googlePortlet1
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet
org.apache.jetspeed.container.window.FailedToRetrievePortletWindow: No 
PortletEntity exists for for id googlePortlet1 removing window from cache.
Failed to retrieve Portlet Definition for GooglePortlet::GooglePortlet

And the same for the other 2( RSS and Sun portlets ).  Is there 
something I need to do to get these to run properly?  Also, 'attempting' 
is spelled wrong. :)

Elam Daly

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