
There are multiple solutions to this common requirement. The easiest is probably to implement your own SecurityValve. Just make sure you use the existing o/a/j/ as a template. Then there is JAAS...

Scott can probably comment in more detail.


Santiago Urrizola wrote:

Hi, i wan t to change a part of the security model of J2, to adapt they on mi organization model.
Basically i need to change the part where J2, 1 - retrive users from de DataBase. (my own tables, not the default tables of the j2), and obiously where save new/modified users
2 - autenticate the passwords of login users
3 - retrive all groups and roles, and users in a group role.

I see the sources for a while, and see a lot of places where i can change this, 
but i dont know where is the correct place (class or classes) to change it. I 
see UserManager, and think its posible to create a new UserManager, but this 
class dont have full control of the users, i know tht i need to change the 
implementor of some interfaces in the *.xml in the assembly director.
But can some one tell me how classes i must modify (or create new implementor 
for this interaces) ???
Thank you very very very very much


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