At 01:23 02/20/01, Michael Sallman wrote:
>I made some changes to the Velocity templates to restore
>some of the JR/TR.props references that had been hard-coded in.
>(header logo, welcome message, login message, footer logo, stylesheet).
>I also moved the header logo from default.vm to top.vm
>as it seems the more appropriate place for it.
>I'm just starting to investigate Velocity, so I'm not sure if I'm
>even implementing it correctly. But the diffs do seem to work.
>Any comments/critiques would be appreciated.

I don't think reviving these settings in the TR.p is a good idea. This was 
needed with Ecs to make those things configurable, but with templates it 
doesn't make sense to me:
The idea is that for a portal installation the templates are customized. A 
page designer can develop the look and feel just by editing the templates - 
no touching of source code, no property files. I find it much more natural 
to specify the stylesheet name in the head section of a template (where a 
page designer would expect it) instead of setting a value in a property 
file that is then included in the template through a directive.
Things are different for dynamic parts: If you decide to use different 
stylesheets depending on the locale, then you will have to use dynamic 
elements in the template.

For the diffs please use "cvs diff -u". It's much easier to read.


>Index: jetspeed/webapp/WEB-INF/templates/vm/layouts/html/default.vm
>RCS file:
>retrieving revision 1.1
>diff -r1.1 default.vm
><     <link href="$clink.setURI("css/default.css").Absolute"
>type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
> >     <link
>type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
><       <tr>
><         <td><img
>src="$clink.setURI("images/jetspeed-logo.gif").Absolute" /></td>
> >       <tr>
>< </html>
>\ No newline at end of file
> > </html>
>Index: jetspeed/webapp/WEB-INF/templates/vm/navigations/html/bottom.vm
>RCS file:
>retrieving revision 1.1
>diff -r1.1 bottom.vm
><   <img align="right" src="$clink.setURI("images/feather.gif")" />
><   <font size="-2">
> >
> >   <img align="right"
>src="$clink.setURI($config.getString("site.footer.logo"))" />
> >   <font size="-1">
>< </p>
>\ No newline at end of file
> > </p>
>Index: jetspeed/webapp/WEB-INF/templates/vm/navigations/html/top.vm
>RCS file:
>retrieving revision 1.1
>diff -r1.1 top.vm
><   Welcome to Jetspeed -> <a href="$jlink">Home</a>  <br />
> >   <img align="left"
> >   <font size="+1">$config.getString("site.header.welcome")</font>
> >   <br />
> >   <a href="$jlink">Home</a>  <br />
><   <a href="$jlink.setPage("Login.vm")">Please login to Jetspeed</a>
> >   <a
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