What I really mean is that we found a problem while I was visiting Juan 
Carlos in Ciudad Real (related with how SAX1 implementations handle 
namespaces) that made it mandatory for us to try to go into SAX2 ---> 

I did some experiments and I found that migrating Jetspeed to use only 
Xalan2.0.0 implies only changes in two files (SimpleTransform.java and 
ECSStylesheetElement.java). I have updated them, and everything seems to 
be OK. I will test a little bit more.

I'm asking, in brief, if anybody oposes to switching to Xalan2.0.0. I 
can take care of commiting after more testing, maybe explaining needed 
changes in XSLT processing for other teams, ...

It brings a lot of advantages if properly done, as Jetspeed (when some 
extra changes are done) will no longer depend from Xalan. Instead, it 
will depend on javax.xml.transform.*,org.xml.sax.* (TRAX) and 
javax.xml.parser.* (JAXP).

This is not done yet, but I will do it in the next days if nobody oposes.

BTW, there is a comment in EcsStylesheetElement.java saying that this 
class is transient. Is it needed still ? My adaptation is a quick fix, 
and I would prefer not to commit it.

Another caveat: to make it work, I have to define

(before it was
TOMCAT_OPTS="-Dorg.xml.sax.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser" )

I think it changes as gremlins move my versions of xerces.jar around :-) 
(1.2.3 --> 1.3.0 --> 1.2.3, ...) or from tomcat/lib to WEB-INF/lib (of 
cocoon and jetspeed and ... or maybe it was xalan.jar? ) You all know 
what I mean... You're happy if you don't :-)

Anybody knows how to get rid of this definition in a sensible, cult and 
educated way?

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