carlos beltran wrote:

> Santiago Gala wrote:
>> carlos beltran wrote:
>>> But it is not working!! Jetspeed is caching the jsp page and sending
>>> cache hits with this page. So the portlet is still using the cache and
>>> the channel is not renewed ! :(.
>>> Why is this happening? Has jetspeed a diferent behavior with JSP pages?
>>> Why is the portlet still using the cache??
>> There are two caches here:
>> - portletcache takes care of caching the portlet object in memory.
>> - diskcache takes care of caching the URL to avoid thrashing other servers.
> Thanks Santiago,
> I understand the situation. But it was also confusing when I was trying to control 
>the frecuency of the
> cache reload. It doesn't seem to follow a regular patern. I don't know if I was 
>using the right parameters
> but I tried to reduce the diskcache frecuency down to 1 minute but the diskcache 
>daemon seems to use a
> aleatory frecuency between 1 and 5 minutes....? Could this be related with the 
>intelligent behavior of the
> cache that is downloading depending of the network state ( if I have understood 
>correctly from the
> documentation)???

I think there is a minimum "lifespan" for any given URL. It is configurable (I'm not 
sure), and the default, I think,
 is 15 minutes.

The process is: The daemon traverses the list of cached URLs, and places a job in the 
queue to update each URL.
When those jobs are run, the entry is checked and refreshed if:

- it is not in the "Bad" list
- it has expired
- it is not currently being loaded by a different thread (to avoid flooding remote 
server with requests)
- it return a 2XX status code when asked if "If-Modified-Since: lastmod-date"

When an entry has an error but it is in the cache, it is first deleted from the cache
(to avoid problems with corrupted entries) and NOT put into the Bad list. Later, when 
tried to reload,
it will either be fetched or marked definitely as "Bad".

I am thinking of a implementation (suggested by Raphaël) where entries that fail will 
be marked in different
ways (depending on the error), an retried on a different basis. The idea is:

- Some network timeouts could be done to remote site maintenance or local transient 
network failures.
So, instead of showing a "red card" to the URL, like in soccer, we will put them out, 
like in other
sports, 3 updates , for instance. The number will increase on each failure, and reset 
when the URL is loaded. The idea
is to have something similar to the "exponential backoff" algorithm in TCP, that 
allows us to stop working when,
for instance, network is down, but allows quick recovery after situation gets nominal 
- Other errors, like "File not found", are more permanent, as they mean either bad url 
or bad configuration in
the remote server.
- Errors like "Host not found", are again different. They could be due to dns failures 
or to bad url.
- There are other errors, like problems with encodings and illegal XML syntax.

My current settings are:
- FeedDaemon runs every 20hours.
- DiskCacheDaemon runs every hour.
- BadURLManagerDaemon runs every three hours.

On a related note, I have seen that, after URLs update, the portlets don't refresh 
until the session times out.
This could be due to (uncommited) modifications I have for caching the portletset 
during the session.

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