Some tips ...


Your XML context files should be in the ${jetty.base}/webapps/ directory.
(It appears you are still on the old-school method of modifying
${jetty.home}, might want to read up on the jetty.home vs jetty.base
it will make your life easier in the long run)
There were some fundamental behavioral nuances in the split between
/contexts/ and /webapps/ that confused many people, and resulted in
duplicate deployments of the same webapp in an overwhelming number of
cases, the 2 separate directories were merged together with some basic
basename logic to minimize the dual deployment issues that many had.

The XML file format has changed slightly (mainly just a new DTD reference
that *must* be updated), be sure you update your XML files.
If you have your *.war (or webapp directory) in the ${jetty.base}/webapps/
directory too, then make sure your XML file and the basename of the webapp
is the same (otherwise you'll have double deployment).

Said another way...
   if you have in ${jetty.base}/webapps/
      search.war   <-- this is ignored, because search.xml exists)
      search.xml  <-- this is used
      admin.xml   <-- this is used
      webadmin.war  <-- this is deployed as the /webadmin context path
(even if admin.xml references it)
      mystatic/    <-- no WEB-INF/web.xml in here? then its a deployment of
static content to the "/mystatic" context path

Note: if you are using xml deployment descriptors, then you don't need to
have the war file in ${jetty.base}/webapps/ too.

To see what was actually deployed, set "jetty.dump.start=true" in your
${jetty.base}/start.ini and check your logging output, it will include the
server state tree (including all handlers + webapps).

Joakim Erdfelt <> <> -
Expert advice, services and support from from the Jetty & CometD experts -

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Gary McGath

> I first posted this to Stack Overflow and didn't get any answers; hoping
> to get unstuck here.
> We have a working Jetty 8 environment (and the person who set it up is
> gone). I'm trying to get our applications running in a test Jetty 9. Jetty
> starts up and writes to start.log, which informs me that stderr/stdout are
> being redirected to
> /opt/jetty/logs/2014_04_17.stderrout.log. The latter file reports:
> 2014-04-17 13:58:37.437:WARN:oejuc.AbstractLifeCycle:main: FAILED
> org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.DeploymentManager@7cddffbd: 
> java.lang.IllegalStateException:
> No Contexts
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Contexts
>         at org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.DeploymentManager.doStart(
>         at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.
> start(
>         at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.ContainerLifeCycle.
> start(
> ...
> The old installation put context deployment descriptor files in
> /opt/jetty/contexts. The documentation for Jetty 9 appears to say they
> should go in /opt/jetty/webapps. $JETTY_HOME in my environment is
> /opt/jetty. I copied one of the deployment descriptor files to webapps, but
> the error message is the same. There's nothing to tell me where it's
> looking or why it failed.
> I put a deliberate XML error into the deployment descriptor file to see if
> that would affect anything, but it didn't, so Jetty may not even be reading
> the file.
> I'm running the Jetty launch script in debug mode, and echoing the command
> which launches it to the console (changing -b to -v to get more useful
> output), and here's the full output to the console:
> Reading /etc/default/jetty..
> START_INI      =  /opt/jetty/start.ini
> JETTY_HOME     =  /opt/jetty
> JETTY_BASE     =  /opt/jetty
> JETTY_CONF     =  /opt/jetty/etc/jetty.conf
> JETTY_PID      =  /var/run/
> JETTY_START    =  /opt/jetty/start.jar
> JETTY_ARGS     =  jetty-logging.xml jetty-started.xml
> JAVA_OPTIONS   =  -Djetty.state=/opt/jetty/jetty.state
> -Djetty.logs=/opt/jetty/logs -Djetty.home=/opt/jetty
> -Djetty.base=/opt/jetty
> JAVA           =  /usr/bin/java
> RUN_CMD        =  /usr/bin/java
> Starting Jetty: start-stop-daemon -S -p/var/run/ -cjetty
> -d/opt/jetty -v -m -a /usr/bin/java -- -Djetty.state=/opt/jetty/jetty.state
> -Djetty.logs=/opt/jetty/logs -Djetty.home=/opt/jetty
> -Djetty.base=/opt/jetty -jar /opt/jetty/start.jar
> jetty-logging.xml jetty-started.xml start-log-file=start.log
> Starting /usr/bin/java...
> Logging to /opt/jetty/start.log
> FAILED Thu Apr 17 13:58:41 EDT 2014
> Anyone have any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
> --
> Gary McGath, Principal Software Engineer, Outcome Referrals
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