Running kernel 2.4.19 patched with JFS-1.0.23, I just saw the
following in hour log file:

Oct  6 04:02:22 boston kernel: diRead: i_ino != di_number
Oct  7 01:02:31 boston kernel: diRead: i_ino != di_number

I am not sure what to read into this, or if this even is a JFS bug of
some sort. I can tell that prior to these messages, no kernel error
has been logged since reboot (at which a full fsck on the jfs
partition was done). Also, at 04:00, the locate database is updated
and at 01:00 the backup is started, both creating some load on the
filesystem. System uptime right now is 6 days.


Dual P3-700MHz
Mylex DAC960PTL1 Raid controller (5 disks in Raid 5)
RedHat 7.1 (standard kernel 2.4.19 with jfs 1.0.23)
1 4GB ext2 partition (1.6GB free) and 1 131GB JFS partition (27GB free).

Fileserving via NFS, Samba and FTP to 12-13 users running windows and

Our hardware is now believed to be working as our EMP (Emergency
Management Port) doesn't reveal any problems (plenty of problems with
the previous RAID controller).


Bernhard Ege

 Bernhard Mogens Ege, M.Sc.E.E.                E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dept. of Health Science and Technology        Direct call:   +45 96 35 87 82
 Aalborg University                            Switchboard:   +45 96 35 80 80
 Frederik Bajers Vej 7, D1-203                 Fax:           +45 98 15 40 08
 DK-9220 Aalborg East                  
Home: Hadsund Landevej 454, DK-9260 Gistrup, Phone: +45 96365086, +45 51905086

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