
Actualy i'm looking for documents about journalised file system, in 
order to be able to compare them self. I need accurate information if i 
want to make a good study.

Thoses informations have to permit me to get answer about table like this :

  Features \ fs    | xfs | ext3 | jfs | reiserfs |
chattr            |  ?  |  Y   |  ?  |    ?     |
quotas            |  Y  |  ?   |  Y  |    ?     |
removable fs      |  ?  |  ?   |  N  |    ?     |
NFS               |  Y  |  Y   |  ?  |    ?     |
samba             |  ?  |  ?   |  ?  |    ?     |
coda              |  ?  |  ?   |  ?  |    ?     |

My line is to remove all '?' by 'Y' or 'N' for all my table.

I know thoses links talking about jfs :

but if you have more accurates informations ...

I know bonnie++ as disk tool tester, but i would like to have several 
points of view with several tools.

If you know some others links or books or good tools, you are wellcom.

Thanks Fabien.


Fabien COMBERNOUS - IT Engineer
eProcess - Parc Club du Millénaire Batiment n° 6
1025 rue Henri Becquerel - 34000 Montpellier FRANCE
http://www.eprocess.fr - +33 (0)4 67 13 84 50

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